I'm not one who believes in New Years Resolutions. I figure, if you want to change something, change it now. Don't wait for a count down, fireworks, an all nighter and a severe hang over to change your routine.
To be honest, my first week of 2013 has been littered with fantastic mistakes that I have never made before, leaving me feeling like a fool. I'm not going to go into them, cause I'm busy trying to forget them and they don't need to be cemented in cyber space. Let's just say they were expensive, embarrassing & things I need not repeat any time, ever.
So rather than try and inspire you to get fit, eat healthy or not drink too much (that covered 99.9% of resolutions didn't it?) I thought I might share with you a few minor things I'm investing my down time in! Brought to us by www.complex.com
Some of these I've heard of, some of these I haven't. Of course there are a few that didn't make the Complex cut, but... Any list can be changed and improved and added too, but what's the harm in ticking this one off. Reading any one of these books is bound to further you in some way, even if you [only] manage to improve your sex life.
Some of these I've seen, some I'm waiting to download and some I'm having trouble finding. So far, Tom Ford has inspired me to live and breathe whatever I choose to do, & Bill Cunningham has taught me that beauty is in everything. And I'm sure that the inspiration to be the best I can be will only be spurred on further as I continue to watch.
p.s. If you do have a New Years Resolution, go for it! Go for it! GO FOR IT!
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